15-21 October is Chocolate Week, so I’m going to take a break from telling you about my own chocolates and talk a bit about what you can get up to this week if you love chocolate!
First up, The Chocolate Show is a must for anyone with a serious interest in chocolate. My visit back in 2015 planted the very seeds for Toxteth Chocolate, and sparked my obsession for craft chocolate. You can catch tastings, live demos, meet chocolate makers, and listen to talks about all areas of chocolate production and enjoyment. More info on that here.
If like me you live in North West, you can check out Dormouse Chocolate’s new tasting club in central Manchester on 16 October. What those ladies don’t know about chocolate ain’t worth knowing, and it’s a great excuse to check out their new shop.
Finally, if you have kids with a taste for the sweet stuff, a good option could be the Fantastical Chocolate Festival at Hinterlands in Liverpool’s Baltic Triangle on 13 October - it might not be fine chocolate, but it’ll no doubt be great fun.
Tocky Chocky x
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